Film Tour


Set in the rugged and dense landscape of the Kosciuszko National Park, MAVEN follows a group of adventurers who call the stunning and often unforgiving Australian Alps home. Their journeys start haphazardly, often departing late and arriving in the dark, leading them to unforeseen challenges and discoveries. This film is not about fresh tracks. It’s a deeper exploration of self-care, community, and environmental awareness.


Get your tickets to the Maven Film premiere now!

Director and Producer

Meet Divya Gordon, a self-taught filmmaker hailing from the Snowy Mountains of Australia. After leaving her corporate roots in Sydney, she embraced a nomadic lifestyle in her van, growing her connection with adventure communities while pursuing her passion for filmmaking. With her Nikon workhorse in hand, Divya continues to carve her path as an adventure filmmaker, climbing peaks, sending projects and capturing the essence of extraordinary stories in unexplored landscapes.

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Pixel-Shift Shooting Feature | Nikon Cameras, Lenses & AccessoriesPixel-Shift Shooting Feature | Nikon Cameras, Lenses & Accessories

Arc'teryx and Nikon were an enormous help, kitting us out with gear for the film. The Nikon Z 8 is a great camera for adventure shooting where you're walking half the day just to get to the location. Looks really good in high detail locations like the Australian bush and saves a 2 cameras setup when conducting interviews. I love Nikon colour and their flat profile lets me get the right look to do justice to the Australian Alps.

Join Us.

MAVEN will be touring as a part of the Warren Miller Film Tour across Australia and New Zealand this May-July. Secure your tickets to the official premier at Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace.

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