Our World of Photographers...
...talk World Photography Day.

Get ready for a pow wow with the pros.
WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY DAY is upon us - that mark on the calendar that unites photographers of all disciplines and proficiencies with fans and admirers of the medium. This August 19, both the physical and virtual worlds will come alive and get snap happy under the theme “Understanding Clouds”.
The role that photography plays in our day-to-day lives seems to intensify by the year. This is a visual medium is no longer confined to art or entertainment or documentation. Photography is now a conversational tool; a means for anyone with a smartphone to communicate and connect in private or in public, with friends and followers alike – in real time.
To celebrate World Photography Day, a select group of Nikon Creators came together to talk shop. We posed a bunch of questions to each, and their answers range from illuminating to inspiring to flat-out fun.
Q. Why does the world need photography?

© Cole Baxter
Photos provide connection to the past; factually and as tethers to feelings and memories.
Portrait & Cultural

Photography isn’t simply a medium that helps people to create but it’s also a chance to see the world through someone else’s perspective or show the world what you see and who you are.
Jess Wharehinga
Music, Fashion, & Portrait

Through photography we can see more than we could ever hope to with our own eyes. Photography is limitless, enabling us to cross language barriers, distances, and even time. The world needs photography as a way to share and contribute to the collective human experience.
Storm & Astro

© Will Eades
Not everyone is able to get out during a beautiful sunrise, sunset or to see the night sky in a dark location. Photography allows us to share the beauty that is all around us.
Coastal & Sunset

© Aaron Molenkamp
Photography really opens up the world to people. When you see the world through a lens, I believe you see the world differently.

Q. If you could visit and shoot any real or fictional location, where would you go?

© Marissa Knight
Iceland! This place is at the top of my bucket list.
Nathan Godwin
Space. I’d look back and shoot Earth.
Liam Fawell
The biggest storm in the solar system: Jupiter’s ‘Great Red Spot’.
Will Eades
The dirty, neon-lit bathroom that Joaquin Phoenix does the weird dancing in from Joker.
Jess Wharehinga

The Arctic Circle or the Amazon.
G Gunawan
Aaron Molenkamp
Yellowstone National Park.
Jake Wilton
Iceland is my dream location. One day!
Marissa Knight
Q. In what way(s) has your time as a photographer so far allowed you to grow or change as a person?

© Jake Wilton
I have never really had a way with words and so would often struggle to convey the beauty of the destinations I had been to or the wonderful wildlife encounters I had there. As they say “a picture speaks 1000 words”, which is far more words than I know!
Ocean, Wildlife, & Travel

My career as a photographer has given me the most agency I’ve ever had over my own life. Through opportunity, expression and developing professionally. I’ve been able to meaningfully connect and participate in my community, let my creative self flourish and have the means to build a future with the highest ceiling.
Portrait & Cultural

It has completely altered me. I have become so confident in myself and a little less afraid of the world. It’s enabled me to seek out new places or people and challenged me in ways I cannot begin to fathom.
Jess Wharehinga
Music, Fashion, & Portrait

© Jess Wharehinga
It has taught me so much over the years - dedication, patience, growth and express my creative side and challenge myself at learning new techniques.
Landscape & Seascape

Q. What is a camera feature or aspect of photography that once you learned, completely changed the way you shoot?

© Cole Baxter

Back button focus.
Charles Davis
Back button (AF-ON) autofocus.
Jake Wilton
Back button autofocus. This enables you to focus before you frame your shot, and promotes a more creative way to shoot.
Will Eades
Off-shoe camera flash.
G Gunawan
I believe mirrorless has changed the way I shoot. So good.
Aaron Molenkamp
Starlight mode in the Nikon Z9 – the ability to be able to compose my images quicker was a game changer!
Coastal & Sunset

Cole Baxter
Shooting videos.
Karen Woo
The camera's histogram and always checking correct exposure. You can't recover blown-out highlights in an image.
Marissa Knight
Lighting, once I learnt more about lighting and how much it will influence your image, I felt like I could understand almost everything.
Jess Wharehinga
Q. In what way(s) has your time as a photographer so far allowed you to grow or change as a person?

© Aaron Molenkamp
I remember capturing a bee. The bee was so beautiful flying into the flower and I lined up a yellow post in the background and I believe it just made it one of the best I've ever taken.

© Charles Davis
My picture of thousands of budgies in a dead tree that shows the world is so much bigger than most people will ever know.

© G Gunawan
This image, captured in 2014 with Nikon D700, of a man enjoying his cigarette, exhaling the smoke. Depending on who sees it, this image could be perceived in so many ways. The facial expression, how he enjoyed the cigarette, the wrinkles, the dirty shirt, the way he’s wearing his hat, all these could mean something different to the viewer.
Cityscape & Wedding

© Marissa Knight
Hard to pick just one, but my Autumn tree tunnel image that I recently captured. With the play of fog and light, it feels mysterious and intriguing with the road drawing you through and into the image. It makes you feel like you’re standing there in the moment.
Landscape & Seascape

Q. If you could photograph any individual, alive, or passed, who would it be?

© Jess Wharehinga
Cathy Freeman.
Cole Baxter
Ansel Adams.
Marissa Knight
Tommy Cash, I already know him personally and I love him so much. He’s just so weird.
Jess Wharehinga

Frank Ocean.
Liam Fawell
Karen Woo
The guitar virtuoso, Eddie Van Halen.
G Gunawan
David Attenborough.
Aaron Molenkamp
Q. Can you share a time where an image of yours has moved or impacted the life of another person? How did that moment, in turn, impact you?

© Karen Woo
I will never forget the moment when a beautiful lady came into my studio for a fashion glamour makeover and photoshoot. When she viewed her images for the first time, she broke down and wept because she couldn’t believe what she was seeing was her. She explained that she never felt or seen as a woman whilst growing up, and no amount of therapy or counselling would have brought such healing than this glamour shoot. In turn, this moment impacted me deeply to realise sometimes it’s not the images that says a thousand words, but the underlying service and care you give to your clients that truly touch and changes a person’s life. That’s the power of photography.
Fashion & Portrait

In March 2021 we had the worst flood in 60 years impact my hometown. A photo I took of the event ended up on the front page of a national publication helping to spread awareness of the disaster. That image in turn got picked up by a national charity, who used it to raise money to help those affected by the disaster. It was an amazing result from a single image and showed me the impact photography can have for good, even under the circumstances.
Storm & Astro

A work friend had asked me to capture images of her and her partner with their dog, who was elderly and suffering from some health concerns. finally managed to find a time that worked, popped down to the beach and captured some beautiful images of their little family. Capturing the essence of who the dog was and the relationship that was between them all. Unfortunately, a week later their dog passed away. She was incredibly grateful for the images which we had managed to get and to this day, we still talk about them at times.
Coastal & Sunset

© Nathan Godwin
A video I created called ‘Create More Memories’ was a piece I made of raw clips pulled together that suggested feelings of friendship and youthfulness. Many have mentioned how emotional it made them and it’s gratifying to see how when love is really poured into a project, it can impact others on so many levels you never knew were possible. The short videos I make for TikTok also have incredible responses of people being impacted in all sorts of ways. It makes me hopeful for how art and creativity can really change the world for the better.
Lifestyle, Fashion, & Music

Q. Name a photographer that we should drop everything and check out right now.

© Karen Woo

Liam Fawell
Josh Beames – His work is just incredible and continues to inspire me with every post.
Nathan Godwin
Karen Woo
Matty Smith, Underwater photographer king of Australia.
Jake Wilton
Aaron Molenkamp
Cole Baxter
Peter Lik has been an inspiration of mine for over 20 years, his work is amazing.
Marissa Knight
Justin Gilligan, one of Australia’s best nature photographers who has gotten none of the credit he deserves.
Charles Davis
Michael Shainblum. An absolute weapon with a camera, he sees things how I want to see them. A master at work.
Will Eades
Q. What’s the single most powerful piece of advice you’ve been given, that you would pass along budding or emerging photographers?

© Liam Fawell
Take the photos you want to take, there is no wrong or wrong in art, It’s your photo!

© Jake Wilton
Every story and experience are unique so don’t get hung up imperfections and comparisons.
Fashion & Portrait

© G Gunawan
The best tool in photography is not the camera. It is your vision and what’s between your two ears.
Cityscape & Wedding

Every image ever taken can be traced back to World Photography Day.

© Liam Fawell
On August 19 1873, a ground-breaking process, created by two French blokes was officially recognised by their government. A delicate dance between silver and copper and light; the “daguerreotype” is regarded as the first photographic process ever created. The rest Is history.
It’s no surprise then, that in 2010, when the organisers of the first World Photography Day were running their fingers over the calendar year, they landed on August 19.