NX MobileAir

Be on the
forefront of news

Take a photo on your Nikon camera with NX MobileAir, and transfer it back to the news desk with a 4G or 5G network on your live event. Automate FTP upload, incorporate metadata to your files, and do simple image editing. That historical moment can be shared with the world right away.

Edit. Upload.
On the go.

Edit and document your images within NX MobileAir. Group and organise your images with the same IPTC metadata and FTP setting in the same album, sort them in grid view for easy selection and upload.

Stable and secured

Connect your Nikon camera to your smart phone or tablet via a USB cable, and leave behind the additional equipment of laptops, routers. Through a reliable, high-speed USB connection, your ground-breaking images can be imported to your phone smoothly, without any complicated set-up –without a Wi-Fi connection.

Input IPTC metadata
with voice memo

Include IPTC data through the voice-to-text feature on your smart device and upload your photos to an FTP server directly. Simple, informative, maximum productivity.

Staple image
editing tools

Review, crop, rotate, and straighten your images within NX MobileAir, before sending them over to the news desk.

Upload automatically,
or in bulk manually

Automatically upload images simultaneously as you shoot, or select manually, to upload individually or in bulk with NX MobileAir.

Easy Collaborations for Video Production

Experience convenient video transfers to Frame.io1,2,3 for a seamless video production workflow. Easing up the space from your smart devices’ memory storage, choose from an auto or manual upload setting with a quick pairing to get your videos onto the cloud-based collaborative platform.

Power Zoom Versatility

Select from telephoto or wide angle zoom even in remote photography when you are using a power zoom lens and a compatible camera4.

Download the NX MobileAir app to get started!

Android: Compatible with Z9, Z8, Z7II, Z7, Z6III, Z6II, Z6, Z5, Zfc, Z50II, Z50, Z30, D6, D5, D850, D780. 
iOS: Compatible with Z9, Z8, Z7II, Z6III, Z6II, Zf, Z5, Zfc, Z50II, Z30, D6, D780. Other Nikon camera models will be compatible with the Android and iOS NX MobileAir app following a future firmware update.
Subscriptions can be cancelled via the settings app on your smart device.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google LLC.
Anker is a trademark of Anker Innovations Limited or associated companies.
All Nikon trademarks are trademarks of Nikon Corporation.

1 For Android with NX MobileAir ver.1.4.0.
2 Available with the Z9, Z8, and Z6III, as of December 17, 2024.

3 Frame.io account is required to use this feature.
4 Camera's firmware must be updated to the latest version: Z9 (Ver. 4.00 or later).

Keep the inspiration going

Enjoy a two year warranty period* when purchasing directly from Nikon or one of our Authorised Resellers and registering your products with My Nikon Life.

* Please refer to Warranty Policy for more information.